Monday, December 18, 2017

EDR8201 Statistics I Assignment 4

EDR8201 Statistics I Assignment 4


EDR8201 Assignment 4 Independent and Dependent Sample T-Test (NCU)
Download the EDR-8201 Week 4 Worksheet found in this week’s resources and use it to complete this assignment.

This week, you will complete two exercises related to both independent and dependent t-tests.

Part 1: Independent Samples t-Test:
Imagine a researcher is interested in the relationships among teachers’ self-esteem and productivity. A randomly selected sample of 40 teachers completed a questionnaire including a number of demographic questions as well as measures to assess their self-esteem and productivity. Below are the demographic data and participants’ responses for the self-esteem measure (100-point scale) and the productivity measure (50-point scale). Use these data to answer the questions below (these data have already been entered in a SPSS file; see the note below the data table).
Part 2: Dependent Samples t-Test:
For Part 2, you will now increase your understanding of inferential statistics involving a dependent samples repeated-measures t-test. Imagine a researcher is interested in whether teachers’ self-esteem differs at the beginning and at the end of the school year. Use the data file “teachersurvey.sav” to conduct a dependent-samples repeated-measures t-test (referred to as a paired-samples t-test in SPSS). In this data set, self-esteem was measured at the beginning of the school year (Score One) and at the end of the school year (Score Two) (i.e., repeated-measures with the same group). These are the variables to be used in this analysis.

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