Monday, December 18, 2017

Saint Leo HRA 549 HRA549 Discussion 3 Answer

Saint Leo HRA 549 HRA549 Discussion 3 Answer


Read the short sidebar “Technology, Testing and Tracking: 9 New Trends in Corporate Recruiting.” This excerpt from The HR Specialist notes some important factors that change how recruiting is done. 

Follow the link to read the short sidebar. 

Choose one of the 9 trends mentioned in the article and discuss why you believe it is the most important trend in modern recruiting. If you have personal/professional experience with this trend, feel free to include it to support your position. 

Specifically focus your responses to your peers’ initial postings using the following prompts:
 Do you agree or disagree with your peers’ choices, and why?
 What information did your peers neglect to present that would support their choices? 

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