Monday, December 18, 2017

Saint Leo HRA 549 HRA549 Discussion 5 Answer

Saint Leo HRA 549 HRA549 Discussion 5 Answer


Respond to the following situation: 

Many organizations use multiple tests or assessments in their selection plan. There are essentially two approaches to evaluating candidates using multiple assessments: the multiple hurdle approach and a compensatory model. 

First, passing or “cut” scores need to be set for each test or assessment. These can be set high or low, depending on whether you would rather hire:
 More people who are less qualified – with a cut score of 60% or higher, most people will probably pass the test.
 Fewer people who are more qualified – with a cut score of 90% or higher, few people will probably pass the test.
 Alpha or Beta errors are also a factor…remember last module’s Discussion Question? 

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