Monday, December 18, 2017

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 5 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 5 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)


Saint Leo SCI 115 Chapter 5 Quiz Answers
Q.  What are the three fundamental parts that make up our skulls?
Q.  What are the main functions of the trigeminal nerve’s branches? The facial nerve?
Q.  Why do two different nerves, which innervate entirely different parts of the face and jaw send branches to ear muscles that lie adjacent to one another? [answer after reading entire chapter]
Q.  Why do the trigeminal and facial nerves crisscross as the send branches to our face and jaw? [answer after reading entire chapter]
Q.  Outline our embryological development from conception to the third week after conception.
Q.  Compare the fates of the human embryonic 1st -4th gill arches: what adult structures develop from each human gill arch?
Q.  Why does the trigeminal nerve go to both the jaws and the ear?
Q.  What is similar between the heads of sharks, bony fish, salamanders and humans?
Q.  What would happen if some genes of a frog’s gill arches are switched between embryonic arches?
Q.  What is Amphioxus? Even it is a worm (an invertebrate without a backbone) what similarities does it share with vertebrates (animals with backbones, such as fish, mammals, humans)?
Q.  What adult structure develops from human embryonic notochords?

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