Monday, December 18, 2017

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 6 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 6 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)


Saint Leo SCI 115 Chapter 6 Quiz Answers
Q.  Compare fish, amphibian and chicken embryos.
Q.  T or F: The differences among mammal, bird, amphibian and fish embryos pale in comparison with their fundamental similarities.
Q.  Draw a sketch of the 1st 3 weeks of embryological development of humans.
Q.  What are the three embryological germ layers and what structures develop from each of them? Is this true for humans?
Q.  T or F: No matter how different birds, fish, reptiles and mammals look as adults, as tiny embryos they all go through the same stages.
Q.  Our bodies are “a tube within a tube”. Explain.
Q.  When do the features that distinguish backboned animals from one another develop compared with our common “tube within a tube” body plan?
Q.  Do all the cells in the embryo have enough information to build whole bodies? How do we know?
Q.  How did Mangold produce twin newts?
Q.  What would happen if the Organizer region from a chicken was grated to a salamander embryo? Why are results significant?
Q.  How do genes interact with other genes to control development?

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