Wednesday, January 10, 2018

ECE 312 ECE312 Week 5 Final Project Program Website / Administration of Early Childhood

ECE 312 ECE312 Week 5 Final Project Program Website / Administration of Early Childhood


ECE 312 ECE312 Week 5 Final Project Program Website / Administration of Early Childhood
Focus of the Final Project 
Many parents begin their child’s program search via the Internet. Therefore, your program’s website plays a very importantroleincommunicatingafirstimpressiontofamilies. ManyprospectiveparentsusetheInternettohelpthem identify possible early childhood programs in their geographic area, and then choose which programs they would like to visit or learn more about based on the information they find online. This is your opportunity to market your program. An attractiveandwell-designedwebsiteshouldbeeasytoread. Visitorstothesiteshouldbeabletofindtheinformation they need quickly, with just a few clicks of a mouse. 
Please review the following childcare centers’ websites: 
1. Bright Horizons 
2. Childcare Network 
For your Final Project, you will create the appearance of a website for your own childcare program and facility using either PowerPoint or Prezi. For example, if you utilize PowerPoint, each slide will represent what would typically be seen on a page within a website. If you utilize Prezi, each featured point will communicate that information. Your “website” will be targeted toward prospective parents and must include all of the following elements: 
1. Name of program (title) 
3. Location 
Is the program near their home or workplace?
Is it easy to get to from a major road or highway?
Is it located in a safe area? (Please see the examples in the websites listed above.) 
3. Scope of services
Ages served 
Hours of service 
Tuition or fees 
Philosophy or focus 
a. Name your chosen theory from Chapter 1 and construct your center’s philosophy based on this theory. 
1. In order to be prepared to respond to parents inquiries, design a scenario that demonstrates how your center will address each of the ten NAEYC Standards. 

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