Wednesday, January 10, 2018

GRO 202 GRO202 Week 4 Assignment Extended Outline for the Final Project / PSYCHOLOGY OF AGING

GRO 202 GRO202 Week 4 Assignment Extended Outline for the Final Project / PSYCHOLOGY OF AGING


GRO 202 GRO202 Week 4 Assignment Extended Outline for the Final Project / PSYCHOLOGY OF AGING
Extended Outline for the Final Project. Due by Day 7. Using the outline given below, write the preliminary version of your Final Project. For each heading listed in the outline you should write two to three sentences (with supporting evidence-based, peer-reviewed references cited in the text) that will form the basis for your Final Project. 
o SuccinctthesisstatementdetailingthefocusofyourFinalProjectandinformingthereaderabout 
your topic and the scope of your paper. 
 Detailed description of the disorder 
o Symptoms(includinghowtodifferentiatethedisorderfromnormalaging) o Diagnostic criteria (based on one of the articles in the list provided)
o Courseofdiseaseovertime 
 Epidemiology o Age 
o Gender
o Other(ifapplicable) o Genetics 
 Diagnostic Methods 
o Brain areas/networks involved (structural changes as seen on brain MRI and/or CT)
o Any laboratory testing that is typically done in the diagnostic process
o Neuropsychologicaltesting(summaryofwhattypesofcognitiveimpairmentsaretypicallyseen) o Neuropathologicalfindings 
o Drug(pharmacologic)therapies 
o Nonpharmacologictherapies  Care issues 
o Challengestocaregivers
o Type of available care providers (e.g., medical, nursing, or therapists)
o Type of healthcare setting (e.g., hospital, home, outpatient, or nursing facility) 
o Reaffirmsyourinitialthesisstatement 
o Includesanyfuturedirectionsofresearchregardingcauseand/ortreatment 

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