Wednesday, January 10, 2018

MHA 616 MHA616 Week 1 Discussion The Role of Health Information Systems

MHA 616 MHA616 Week 1 Discussion The Role of Health Information Systems


MHA 616 MHA616 Week 1 Discussion The Role of Health Information Systems
The Role of Health Information Systems. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 from the Wager, Lee, & Glaser (2017) text and the article by Campanella et al. (2016).
Understanding the role information systems play in health care is essential to the success of health care professionals. Data and information share a common thread; they work together to facilitate decisions. In health care, they can mean the difference between life and death. Both data and information assist in providing quality health care.
Participate in one of the following discussion subtopics as directed by your instructor on or before Day 3 of the course in a 300-word initial post. 
• Evaluate the different types of data and/or information consumed by health care organizations as it relates to patient health technology. 
 Compare and contrast the role of data and information in planning, include how data and information are implemented, managed, and accessed. 
 Assess an issue related to health care data that illustrates why data quality is important. 
Guided Response: Review your peers’ posts and substantively respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Your three required posts (initial and at least two responses to peers) must be on three different days of the week. A substantive response is a respectful, professional, and unique response that is in-depth and 
 Highlights the key points of what you have learned from your peer’s post. 
 Adds to your classmate’s content knowledge by sharing a suggestion or insight that your colleague did 
not consider. 

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