Wednesday, January 10, 2018

PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness

PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness


PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 5 Discussion Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness
Coping Strategies for Chronic and Life Threatening Illness. The focus of this discussion activity is on research regarding the coping strategies utilized by those diagnosed with a chronic illness. Analyze one (or more) peer-reviewed article(s) that investigates coping strategies utilized by those with chronic illness. Search the Ashford Library, using the ProQuest and EBSCOhost databases using the following keywords as assigned below according to the first letter of your last name. 
Last Names beginning with:
A through D: Coping; HIV; AIDS
E through H: Coping; cancer
I through L: Coping; heart disease
M through P: Coping; kidney disease
Q through T: Coping; spinal cord injury U through Z: Coping; arthritis 
To look for peer-reviewed articles in the library: 
 Access the Ashford Library via the online course or the Student Portal 
 Click on the link at the top of the page that says “Find Articles & More” 
 On this page, click on “Databases by Subject” 
 Click on the link for “Psychology” 
First search – use the EBSCO Host database:  
 Put your keywords into the search box (e.g., punishment discipline) 
 Scroll down to the middle of the page and look for an area that says “Limit Your Results” 
 In this area, check BOTH boxes: Full Text AND Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals 
 Now click the green “search” button at the top 
 A list of articles appears – on the top of the list is a link called “Relevance” – click on this and a drop- 
down menu appears – choose “Date descending” to order the articles by most recent date 
 Choose articles published within the last five years – to obtain the individual articles you want, click on 
the “PDF Full Text” icon to get the article (save on your computer) 
Second search – use the ProQuest database:
 Put your keywords into the search box (e.g., punishment discipline)
 Scroll down to the middle of the page and look for an area that says “Search Options”
 In this area, check THREE boxes: Full Text AND Peer Reviewed AND Scholarly Journals
 Now click the orange “search” button at the top
 A list of articles appears – on the right side of the page, use the drop-down box to “sort results by” and
choose Publication date (most recent first)
 Choose articles published within the last five years – to obtain the individual articles you want, click on
the “PDF Full Text” icon to get the article (save on your computer) 
Assess how biological, psychological, and social factors related to the disorder impact the effectiveness of coping strategies. As you construct your post, synthesize the research findings you found with regard to the factors affecting health-related behaviors and coping strategies. Evaluate the health-related behaviors associated with coping strategies for your topic illness and explain how you might use the biopsychosocial model of health psychology to guide the development of individual coping options. Your discussion should be a minimum of 300 words, and include appropriate citations from the referenced article(s), as well as any additional scholarly and/or peer-reviewed resources you choose to include in your discussion. Provide all resources as references in APA format. 

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