Monday, March 18, 2019

HWE 415 HWE/415 HWE415 Week 1 DQ Assess Your Stress (Ashford)

HWE 415 HWE/415 HWE415 Week 1 DQ Assess Your Stress (Ashford)


Ashford HWE 415 Week 1 Discussion Assess Your Stress
1. Assess Your Stress [CLOs:1, 3]. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Sometimes our bodies physiologically react to stress by causing migraines, palpitations, or an upset stomach. We may not always realize that these symptoms are due to stress. After reading Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in the text and after viewing the Films on Demand video Worried Sick, assess your physiological reactions to your current stressors by taking Lab Assessment 2.2. 
Based on the Lab Assessment, address the following elements: 
o Discuss your results and explain if you are having a stress reaction to your current stressors. 
o Describe how you presently respond to stress and if you would consider this a healthy or unhealthy way to deal with stress and why.

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