Tuesday, July 21, 2020

MHA 620 MHA620 Week 6 Final Policy Research Paper (Ashford)

MHA 620 MHA620 Week 6 Final Policy Research Paper (Ashford)


Ashford MHA 620 Week 6 Final Policy Research Paper Proposition 63 (2020)
Final Policy Research Paper. Due by Day 7. The final policy paper is cumulative and covers Chapters 1 - 16 of McLaughlin and McLaughlin (2014) textbook. To complete the final assignment you are required to use at least eight (8) peer-reviewed sources with at least two (2) from Ashford University Library. Click to watch Kaiser Permanente Overview of U.S. Health Policy.
· Choose four policy analysis processes and apply each one to a policy case (you may use a previous week’s case) or choose from the list below:
o Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
o Policy response to the problem of suicide in Australia
o Cross-national analysis of expenditure changes in 27European nations 1995–2011 o Proposition 63: Should Other States Follow California’s Lead?
 ·  Provide details on the other policy processes that were not utilized in your research. How could they be applied? Why would they be applicable?
 ·  All applicable information from previous weeks must be included.
 ·  A conclusion MUST be included at the end of the paper summarizing the key aspects of health policy.

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