Monday, December 18, 2017

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 11 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 11 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)


Saint Leo SCI 115 Chapter 11 Quiz Answers
Q.  Does our lineage go all the way back to “pond scum”? Explain.
Q.  Explain the classification relationships between: multicellular life, Bilateria, Vertebrates, Tetrapods, Mammals, and Humans, using important features shared by many creatures. What does this prove?
Q.  How is the pattern above reflected in the geological record?
Q.  Our bodies are “time capsules” that tell of critical moments in the history of our planet and of the distant past in ancient oceans, streams and forests. Explain.
Q.  Explain how our history as active animals has collided with our current lifestyle to cause diseases. Give examples.
Q.  Explain how hiccups are a legacy of our fish and tadpole history.
Q.  Why do men get hernias? How is it a result of our fishy history?
Q.  What do mitochondria do? What is their relationship to bacteria?
Q.  True or False: “Looking back through billions of years of change, everything innovative or apparently unique in the history of life is really just old stuff that has been recycled, recombined, repurposed, or otherwise modified for new uses.” Explain.

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