Monday, December 18, 2017

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 10 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 10 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)


Saint Leo SCI 115 Chapter 10 Quiz Answers
Q.  Describe how human hearing works.
Q.  What advantage does a 3-boned middle ear provide to mammals?
Q.  Where do our middle ear bones come from: Trace the bones of our middle ears from the gill arches of fish and from the jaws of reptiles to us [mammals].
Q.  Explain how “tiny rocks in your head” let you know if your head is tilted.
Q.  How do we know when we are accelerating? Explain.
Q.  Explain why we become dizzy and “spin” and why our eyes twitch when we are inebriated with alcohol. How is this related to our ancestry?

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