Monday, December 18, 2017

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 2 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)

SCI 115 SCI115 Chapter 2 Quiz Solutions (St. Leo)


Saint Leo SCI 115 Chapter 2 Quiz Answers
Q. What is the pattern of the skeleton of the human arm and hand (and leg and foot, for that matter)?
Q.  Compare the skeleton of the human arm and hand with that of the dinosaur, a bird’s wing, a bat’s wing, a lizard’s arm, a humpback whale’s fluke (“flipper”).
Q.  What is the reason the wing of a bat and the arm of a human share a common skeletal pattern? A frog’s leg and human arm? A bird’s wing and a human arm? A whale’s fluke and a human arm?
Q.  What kind of animal is a fish with fins and scales and lungs?
Q.  Compare the fins of the zebrafish, lungfish, and fossil Eusthenopteron and fossil Acanthostega. Which has “fingers”?
Q.  Of what use to the fossil fish Tiktaalik, was the ability to do “pushups”? Why would any fish want or need to get out of the water?
Q.  What was the earliest creature to have the bones of our upper arm, our forearm, our wrist and palm?
Q.  In what ancient fossil do we see the beginnings of our ability to rotate our hand?
Q.  Unlike fish and amphibians, our knees and elbows face in opposite directions. When we first develop, in the womb, our knees and elbows are more like those of ancient Eusthenopteron – facing in the same direction. How do they end up facing in opposite directions?
Q.  Where have all of our extraordinary human capabilities come from?

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