Wednesday, January 10, 2018

PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 3 Discussion Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 3 Discussion Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders


PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 3 Discussion Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Before you begin, please reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. 
Much of our text reading this week focuses on substance use and addictive disorders. Using the Ashford Library, access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5) using the instructions in the required resources section for this week and select one of the disorders in the section titled: “Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders.” You will then research your selected disorder in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine or Behavioral Medicine publications. The instructions below will assist you in your search. 
 Go to the Ashford University Library (either via the link in the left navigation or the Student Portal) 
 Click the “Advanced Search>>” link under the FindIt@AU search box 
 Enter the name of the disorder you selected from the DSM-5 into the first text box 
 Select “SU Subject Terms” in the drop-down menu next to your disorder 
 Enter Annals of Behavioral Medicine or Behavioral Medicine in the second box 
 Select “SO Journal Title/Source” in the drop-down menu next to the publication’s name 
 Click the Search button 
 Click “Relevance” and choose “Date Newest” 
Read and discuss one or more articles published within the last five years in the journal listed above. If you do not generate an appropriate article in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine or in the journal Behavioral Medicine, remove the journal titles and complete a general search for your disorder. Be sure to check the boxes next to “Limit to Full Text” and “Limit to Scholarly / Peer Reviewed”.
Utilizing the biopsychosocial perspective, explain the substance-related or addictive disorder and your research (reference article) through the model of health psychology. In your posting, analyze how the following factors potentially contribute to risk for developing a substance use disorder synthesizing research regarding these factors in order to support your statements. 
 Biological factors 
 Psychosocial aspects 
 Prevention of the disorder 
 Treatment of the disorder 
 Reasons for relapse 
Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words and include appropriate citations from the referenced article(s) and DSM-5, as well as any additional resources you choose to include in your discussion. Provide all resources as references in APA format. Additional sources of information may be found in the recommended resources for Week Three. 

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