Wednesday, January 10, 2018

PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change

PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change


PSY 361 PSY361 Health Psychology Week 3 Assignment Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change
Health Care Profiles and Plans for Change. From your work in Week One, you have already read about shared decision-making aids; the Healthcare Belief Model (HBM) and Transtheoretical Stages of Change (TTM). Review resources from the Week One assignment to assist you in this assignment. 
It is recognized that achieving and maintaining a normal weight is a foundational goal of good health. The Healthy People 2020 initiative, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, lists nutrition and physical activity as one of the leading health indicators (LHI) for the U.S. population. For this reason, many resources and decision aids have been developed to assist the individual in achieving this goal. Using the interactive Decision Aid at the Choose My Plate website, you will use information from a case study to create a profile of an individual, and develop a plan for achieving and maintaining a normal weight through healthy diet choices and physical activities. 
Please refer to these resources to assist you with your work: 
 Healthy People 2020: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity 
 Healthy People 2020: About Healthy People 
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Overweight and obesity: Strategies and solutions for my 
 United States Department of Agriculture: Choose My Plate (Note the links for menus, videos, and more) 
 United States Department of Agriculture: SuperTracker (Create a profile using specific individual data 
that provides recommended goals and strategies for change to achieve and maintain a normal weight.) 
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Adult overweight and obesity. 
 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Cancer Institute. (2005) Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion practice 
Your paper should be organized into two sections as outlined below.
Section One – Case Study: Using the SuperTracker online software at the MyPlate website from the UDSA, create a profile with the information provided in the case study below. 
Case Study: Jane is a 55 year old female, who is 5’6” tall and weighs 205 pounds. She accumulates less than 30 minutes per day of moderate activity exercise. Once you have created the profile, you will receive dietary and physical activity information. Using the data from the profile you created, answer the following questions in the first section of your written paper: 
o What is Jane’s Body Mass Index (BMI)? 
o Is Jane underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese? 
o What recommendations can we provide to improve Jane’s health (move her towards a healthier weight)? 
Section Two – Behavioral Change: Complete the following three tables regarding the case study profile you developed in Section 1 of this assignment. Copy and paste your completed tables into your assignment paper. 
 Table: Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change 
 Table: Health Belief Model (HBM) 
 Table: Comparison Table (Effectiveness of the TTM and HBM in describing and analyzing strategies to 
move the individual towards achieving and maintaining a normal weight 
Additional references are not required for this assignment. A separate reference page is not required, unless you used citations to complete your tables. If additional references are cited, all sources must be documented in APA style and listed on a separate reference page, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 

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