Thursday, February 28, 2019

EDU 441 EDU441 Week 2 Assignment Library Guides (Ashford University)

EDU 441 EDU441 Week 2 Assignment Library Guides (Ashford University)


Due by Day 7. Library Guides. How do librarians create a library guide?
A library guide is basically a bibliography or resource sheet consisting of direct links to content related to specific courses or assignments (Ferneckes, Skinner, & Shepherd, 2004). Given such a guide, students/patrons will be able to effectively locate and use appropriate materials. Students struggle with distinguishing between what’s important versus what’s interesting, which is a continual process in research; these guides will help them with the initial step. Furthermore, students/patrons will have greater success with conducting research if they are given guides that are specific to their course or tasks rather than guides that are specific to a general discipline. For example, if I need to do a report on the significance of the Victorian Age to women’s fashion, it is better for me to receive a library guide about the Victorian Age versus a library guide about British History. This can be a time- consuming process for you as a librarian to develop, but consider the benefits. If you design library guides based on K-12 standards, students will be able to use these guides for years. Also, if you collaborate with classroom teachers, you can develop library guides based on curriculum that can be used for several years.
Using this week’s readings and tasks as support, create a library guide for a subject/topic of your choosing. You will also use this subject/topic for your assignment in Week Three. Include three sources in at least three different categories (ex. three periodicals, three articles from the ERIC database, three listservs, etc.). This means you must have a total of nine resources. For each of the nine sources, you need to provide a brief summary of the source. There is no page requirement for this assignment, but make sure you use APA formatting as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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