Thursday, February 28, 2019

EDU 441 EDU441 Week 3 Assignment Teaching Library Skills (Ashford University)

EDU 441 EDU441 Week 3 Assignment Teaching Library Skills (Ashford University)


Due by Day 7. Teaching Library Skills. How can a librarian teach library research skills?
For this written assignment, you will write a lesson plan outline for any grade level, including college. Your lesson plan must describe objectives, procedures (activities/strategies), and assessments. You can use any lesson plan template as long as you have those components. It is suggested that you use the topic/subject you used for your Library Guide assignment in Week Two. There is no page length or APA requirement, but be sure to fully address each component of the assignment.
Students go through four stages of cognitive processes while researching materials in the library. You must focus on one of these stages in your lesson plan:
1. Organizing information
2. Selecting information
3. Understanding the task
4. Recalling of facts and knowledge
For example, Donna needs to write a thesis paper on the history of jazz. In the first stage, she must determine which section of the library she will use to retrieve information, (i.e., reference, periodical, biographies, etc.). She also needs to consider online resources. Donna is stressed out because she doesn’t know where to begin. She also doesn’t know what half the resources are or where they can be found. After you help her organize, she enters the second phase; she must select the relevant materials. Donna is struggling with how to distinguish between what is interesting and what is important. She also doesn’t know how to evaluate content. She has an information overload and is about to melt down (again). Once again, you help her, and she is ready for the third phase. She reviews the task instructions given to her by her teacher and realizes she has no idea how to write a thesis. She is discouraged because she spent all this time learning about jazz and doesn’t know what to do with the information. You come to her rescue again. As such, she is ready for the fourth phase. She has plenty of information about jazz and how to write a thesis, but she doesn’t know how to categorize, classify, and/or organize the information. Luckily for Donna, she has you to help her. Basically, your lesson plan will demonstrate how you helped Donna complete her project at any one of these stages.
Choose a specific skill that involves library services. For example, in the Organizing Information stage, you could do a lesson plan explaining how to use the Dewey Decimal System or how to select and find Listservs.
Option: You can create a web tutorial instead of writing a formal lesson plan. You must still focus on a specific skill from one of the main research stages. You must also describe objectives, procedures (activities/strategies), and assessments. There is no length requirement for the web tutorial.

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