Monday, March 18, 2019

HWE 415 HWE/415 HWE415 Week 5 Final Paper (Ashford)

HWE 415 HWE/415 HWE415 Week 5 Final Paper (Ashford)


Ashford HWE 415 Week 5 Final Paper Role Play Assignment
Role Play Assignment [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Due by Day 7. Throughout this course, you have learned about stressors and ways to deal with them. You have evaluated your own stress level and tried different stress management techniques. Now it is time for you to work with a potential client who is under stress. Prior to completing this assignment review the information presented in this course, read Chapters 15-17 in the text, and view the video on Work-Life Balance. This assignment has two parts. 
In Part I (minimum of three pages), you will assess the physiological, social, and emotional effects of stress as well as analyze illnesses and diseases that may develop as a result of chronic stress. Select a behavior change theory discussed in the text and evaluate how behavior change theories and motivational strategies can be used to implement stress coping strategies. Finally, critique how culture may determine an individual’s response to stress and stress management. Provide an example. Part I should be a scholarly written assignment in APA style and format. 
In Part II (minimum of three pages), you will develop a stress management plan for a potential client. Please review the subsequent case scenario. Pretend to meet with your client and assess his stress level, educate him about the negative effects of stress, implement stress management techniques, and evaluate the plan’s effectiveness. For this assignment, you will create a dialogue between you and your client; the contents of this dialogue are specified below. 
Jason is your newest client. He is a 45-year-old engineer. He travels about 15 days out of the month which places stress on him and his entire family. His wife often complains that he never has time for her or their three children. He wants to spend time with his family but, after working 50 hours a week, he feels exhausted and just wants to relax on the weekend by golfing or watching television. He has an elderly, ill mother, who he also checks in on the weekends. While he makes a good income, his family struggles with money issues, as they do not follow a clear plan on how or what to spend their money on. Lately, Jason has been experiencing headaches, stomachaches, and jaw pain every day. After consulting with his physician, Jason has been referred to you, a health coach, to assess his stress level and help him learn how to manage his stressors. 
For Part II of the assignment, create a dialogue for three separate consultation sessions with Jason. Cover the following in your assignment:
• Session 1
o Include a date for this consultation session.
o Introduce yourself to the client.
o Discussyourclient’sstressors.
o Choose a stress evaluation method, from your text or online, and assess Jason’s stress level.
o ExplainJason’sresultstohim.
o ExplainthenegativeeffectsofstresstoJasonbyanalyzingtherelationshipbetweenstressand 
health. Be sure to discuss the physiological reactions Jason is currently experiencing.
o DevelopastressmanagementplantoaddressJason’stime,financial,andworkstressorsby 
suggesting three stress management strategies discussed in your text. Be sure to explain each of 
these strategies in detail to Jason.
o ProvideJasonwiththreereliableandaccurateeducationmaterials,detailinghowtocompletethe 
stress management techniques. Provide links to the educational resources. o Askyourclientifhehasanyquestionsabouttheplan.
o Schedule a follow up session with your client in one week. 
• Session 2
Your client returns in one week and states he has noticed less headaches, stomachaches, and jaw pain. o Include a date for this consultation session.
o Welcomeyourclient,callinghimbyname.
o Discuss your client’s progression over the past week and how he is feeling.
o Addressanyquestionshemayhaveconcerningthestressmanagementtechniques.
o Suggestthreemotivationalstrategiestohelpyourclientcontinuewiththestressmanagement plan.
o Schedule a follow up appointment in one week. 
• Session 3
Your client returns for his final session. He states he is feeling much more relaxed. He has been able to spend more time with his family, deal with his work commitments, and control spending habits. He no longer experiences headaches, stomachaches, or jaw pain.
o Include a date for this consultation session.
o Welcomeyourclient,callinghimbyname.
o Reviewthestressmanagementplanandansweranyquestions.
o Reevaluateyourclient’sstresslevel,usingthesameassessmentyouusedinthefirstsession. 
Compare his current results with the initial results. Explain your client’s results and progress.
o Evaluatethecurrentmotivationalstrategiesbeingusedandmakechanges,asnecessary,tohelp 
your client maintain stress management techniques long term. 
The Role Play Assignment 
 Must be a minimum of six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and 
formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 
 Must include a separate title page with the following: 
o Titleofpaper
o Student’sname
o Course name and number o Instructor’sname
o Datesubmitted 
 Must use at least five scholarly sources in addition to the course text. Please note: the three educational resources which you provided to Jason in session 1 do not count toward the minimum source requirement listed here. 
 Must cite all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 
 Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the 
Ashford Writing Center.

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