Monday, March 18, 2019

HWE 415 HWE/415 HWE415 Week 5 Journal (Ashford)

HWE 415 HWE/415 HWE415 Week 5 Journal (Ashford)


Ashford HWE 415 Week 5 Journal
Week Five Journal [CLOs: 3, 6]. Due by Day 5. Prior to completing this journal assignment, read Chapter 16 of the text, review the website on Unhealthy Work, and watch the video Stress Management. Then, take Lab Assessment 16.1 in the course text and assess your own level of occupational stress. Evaluate your occupational stress score in your journal, then critique why men and women may experience different job stressors. 
Your journal should be at least two pages in length. Include an APA formatted title and reference page. Remember to cite and reference your course text and any additional resources you may have used for the completion of this assignment, according to APA standards.

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