Tuesday, July 21, 2020

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 6 Final Paper (Ashford)

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 6 Final Paper (Ashford)


Ashford FIN 671 Week 6 Final Paper Corporate Performance Report
Corporate Performance Report [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 12 of the text and review the information of the company you chose through Yahoo! Finance and the SEC EDGAR database in the Filings & Forms page. From each section of previous chapters you have read in this class, you will be provided with a foundation to use in completing an assessment of the financial performance of a corporation.
In prior weeks, you learned about portions of the financial statements and how each is analyzed. This week, you will put it all together. Choose a publicly traded organization that is not used in the textbook and complete your own financial statement analysis.
In your paper,
 Evaluate the past financial performance of the organization.
 Determine the organization’s future financial performance.
 Assess the organization’s financial statements to determine credit risk.
 Conduct a screen for the potential investment in the organization’s equity.
 Choose an analyst adjustment to report the organization’s financials.
 Explain how the chosen analyst adjustment may help in determining the value of the business.

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