Tuesday, July 21, 2020

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 1 Assignment Research Paper Preparation Outline (Ashford)

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 1 Assignment Research Paper Preparation Outline (Ashford)


Ashford HSM 101 Week 1 Assignment Research Paper Preparation Outline
Research Paper Preparation Outline [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your primary text and review the DHS Strategic Plan: FY 2020- 2024. Also, review the Week 5 Final Research Paper and Approved Research Paper Topics located in your online classroom. Then, you will conduct preliminary research in the Ashford University Library. The highlighted topics in the Approved Research Paper Topics document have a Research Starter for your use within the library. To access these Research Starters, type in the topic name within the Ashford University Library search function; the starters will immediately show.
For an example of how to format this assignment, click on the Research Paper Outline Template located in your online classroom.
For an example of how to correctly format a research paper using APA, click on the APA Formatting Sample Paper.
In your outline,
 Draft an introduction and thesis for your Final Research Paper.
 Select one of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) goals as identified in the DHS Strategic Plan:
FY2020-2024 that you will examine for your Final Research Paper. (This must be a stand-alone statement following your introduction and thesis. For instance: DHS Goal: Secure U.S. Borders and approaches or Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure.)
 Explain a current issue, threat or hazard that leads to a homeland security vulnerability that you want to research. (Review the Approved Research Paper Topics document. You may select one of these, or select one of your own. If you do not select a topic on the list, your instructor must approve your topic).
o Writeaparagraphdiscussingwhyyouselectedthisissueortopic.
 Explain other associated issues, threats, or hazards that must be addressed to resolve this homeland
security vulnerability.
o Identify any constitutional issues in play.
o Provide additional information from your initial research.
• Identify three questions that you want to research prior to writing your Final Research Paper. o Provide a paragraph explaining why it is important to answer these questions.

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