Tuesday, July 21, 2020

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 2 Assignment The Intelligence Gathering Debate (Ashford)

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 2 Assignment The Intelligence Gathering Debate (Ashford)


Ashford HSM 101 Week 2 Assignment The Intelligence Gathering Debate
The Intelligence Gathering Debate [WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Objective 1.1 and 1.2 of the DHS Strategic Plan: FY2020-2024. Then read Chapter 5 in your primary text, Kim’s (2017) Fourth Amendment, and Gray’s (2016) “Fourth Amendment Remedies as Rights: The Warrant Requirement.” Also watch Edward Snowden at TED2014: Here’s How We Take Back the Internet and Richard Ledgett at TED2014: The NSA Responds to Edward Snowden’s TED Talk.
 Examine the role of intelligence in countering terrorism in America.
 Analyze the constitutional issues (in particular the Fourth Amendment) surrounding the concept of
gathering information to develop intelligence domestically.
 Explain whether the United States government may collect phone, email, and other electronic and non-
electronic data from Americans, on a mass basis, without a warrant and/or probable cause.
 Support your position with scholarly or official government sources from readings and research.
 Explain the role of intelligence in countering terrorism.
 Explain the constitutional limitations on gathering intelligence.
 Explain why and how gathering intelligence from Americans without a warrant or probable cause is or is
not permissible.

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