Tuesday, July 21, 2020

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 4 Assignment Formulating a Career Plan (Ashford)

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 4 Assignment Formulating a Career Plan (Ashford)


Ashford HSM 101 Week 4 Assignment Formulating a Career Plan
Formulating a Career Plan [WLOs: 4] [CLOs: 5]. Due by Day 7. Knowing which career you want to pursue is an important first step to tackling your job search and career goals. However, simply identifying an ideal position will not propel you to achieve these goals. To successfully attain your goals, there are recommended action steps for you to take.
For this assignment, you will explore the requirements for your potential career path, assess your current skill set, and identify what action steps you can take to make your career goals more attainable. Prior to developing your career plan:
 Read the Career Planning Step-By-Step article to understand better the importance of developing a clear career plan.
 Review the Roadmap to Success tool to help you gather information which you may wish to include in your career plan.
In your paper,
 Identify your long-term goals (five years or longer).
 Identify the skills and qualifications related to this type of role.
 Assess the qualifications you already possess.
 Determine new skills, knowledge, certifications, and training needed for the position desired.
 Create action steps needed to take to be qualified for the position you would like to pursue.

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