Tuesday, July 21, 2020

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 4 Assignment Evaluating Solvency (Ashford)

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 4 Assignment Evaluating Solvency (Ashford)


Ashford FIN 671 Week 4 Assignment Evaluating Solvency
Evaluating Solvency [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 3, 4]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, carefully review Chapter 10 in the text and review the financials of the organization you chose in this week throughYahoo!FinanceandtheSECEDGARdatabaseintheFilings &Formspage.Youcanaccessthe financials by going to the Yahoo! Finance website, typing in the stock symbol of your organization, and then clicking on the Financials tab. After you have read the chapter, you will continue analyzing the financial health of the company. In other words, using the ratios provided by Robinson, Henry, Pirie, and Broihahn (2015), you will continue building a comprehensive financial statement analysis of your company.
In your paper,
 Calculate the following ratios:
o Debt-to-assetsratio
o Debt-to-capitalratio
o Debt-to-equity ratio
o Financial leverage ratio
o Interestcoverageratio
o Fixedchargecoverageratio
 Evaluate the company’s solvency, based on the ratios calculated above.
 Recommend three areas that the company could improve in order to strengthen its financial position,
based on the ratios calculated above.

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 5 Assignment Financial Reporting Quality (Ashford)

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 5 Assignment Financial Reporting Quality (Ashford)


Ashford FIN 671 Week 5 Assignment Financial Reporting Quality
Financial Reporting Quality [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, carefully review Chapter 11 in the text and review the financials of the organization you chose in Week1throughYahoo!FinanceandtheSECEDGARdatabaseintheFilings &Formspage.Youcanaccessthe financials by going to the Yahoo! Finance website, typing in the stock symbol of your organization, and then clicking on the Financials tab. After you have read the chapter, you will critically analyze the quality of the financial reporting your company provides. In other words, using the guidelines provided by Robinson, Henry, Pirie, and Broihahn (2015), you will critically review the financial statements of your company.
Review Exhibit 22: Areas Where Choices and Estimates Affect Financial Reporting. Robinson, Henry, Pirie, and Broihahn (2015) suggest that there are 11 areas on which various choices can impact financial reports:
 Revenue recognition
 Long-lived assets: Depreciation policies
 Intangibles: Capitalization policies
 Allowance for doubtful accounts/loan loss reserves
 Inventory cost methods
 Tax asset valuation accounts
 Warranty reserves
 Related party transactions

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 6 Final Paper (Ashford)

FIN 671 FIN671 Week 6 Final Paper (Ashford)


Ashford FIN 671 Week 6 Final Paper Corporate Performance Report
Corporate Performance Report [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 12 of the text and review the information of the company you chose through Yahoo! Finance and the SEC EDGAR database in the Filings & Forms page. From each section of previous chapters you have read in this class, you will be provided with a foundation to use in completing an assessment of the financial performance of a corporation.
In prior weeks, you learned about portions of the financial statements and how each is analyzed. This week, you will put it all together. Choose a publicly traded organization that is not used in the textbook and complete your own financial statement analysis.
In your paper,
 Evaluate the past financial performance of the organization.
 Determine the organization’s future financial performance.
 Assess the organization’s financial statements to determine credit risk.
 Conduct a screen for the potential investment in the organization’s equity.
 Choose an analyst adjustment to report the organization’s financials.
 Explain how the chosen analyst adjustment may help in determining the value of the business.

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 1 Assignment Research Paper Preparation Outline (Ashford)

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 1 Assignment Research Paper Preparation Outline (Ashford)


Ashford HSM 101 Week 1 Assignment Research Paper Preparation Outline
Research Paper Preparation Outline [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of your primary text and review the DHS Strategic Plan: FY 2020- 2024. Also, review the Week 5 Final Research Paper and Approved Research Paper Topics located in your online classroom. Then, you will conduct preliminary research in the Ashford University Library. The highlighted topics in the Approved Research Paper Topics document have a Research Starter for your use within the library. To access these Research Starters, type in the topic name within the Ashford University Library search function; the starters will immediately show.
For an example of how to format this assignment, click on the Research Paper Outline Template located in your online classroom.
For an example of how to correctly format a research paper using APA, click on the APA Formatting Sample Paper.
In your outline,
 Draft an introduction and thesis for your Final Research Paper.
 Select one of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) goals as identified in the DHS Strategic Plan:
FY2020-2024 that you will examine for your Final Research Paper. (This must be a stand-alone statement following your introduction and thesis. For instance: DHS Goal: Secure U.S. Borders and approaches or Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure.)
 Explain a current issue, threat or hazard that leads to a homeland security vulnerability that you want to research. (Review the Approved Research Paper Topics document. You may select one of these, or select one of your own. If you do not select a topic on the list, your instructor must approve your topic).
o Writeaparagraphdiscussingwhyyouselectedthisissueortopic.
 Explain other associated issues, threats, or hazards that must be addressed to resolve this homeland
security vulnerability.
o Identify any constitutional issues in play.
o Provide additional information from your initial research.
• Identify three questions that you want to research prior to writing your Final Research Paper. o Provide a paragraph explaining why it is important to answer these questions.

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 2 Assignment The Intelligence Gathering Debate (Ashford)

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 2 Assignment The Intelligence Gathering Debate (Ashford)


Ashford HSM 101 Week 2 Assignment The Intelligence Gathering Debate
The Intelligence Gathering Debate [WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Objective 1.1 and 1.2 of the DHS Strategic Plan: FY2020-2024. Then read Chapter 5 in your primary text, Kim’s (2017) Fourth Amendment, and Gray’s (2016) “Fourth Amendment Remedies as Rights: The Warrant Requirement.” Also watch Edward Snowden at TED2014: Here’s How We Take Back the Internet and Richard Ledgett at TED2014: The NSA Responds to Edward Snowden’s TED Talk.
 Examine the role of intelligence in countering terrorism in America.
 Analyze the constitutional issues (in particular the Fourth Amendment) surrounding the concept of
gathering information to develop intelligence domestically.
 Explain whether the United States government may collect phone, email, and other electronic and non-
electronic data from Americans, on a mass basis, without a warrant and/or probable cause.
 Support your position with scholarly or official government sources from readings and research.
 Explain the role of intelligence in countering terrorism.
 Explain the constitutional limitations on gathering intelligence.
 Explain why and how gathering intelligence from Americans without a warrant or probable cause is or is
not permissible.

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 4 Assignment Formulating a Career Plan (Ashford)

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 4 Assignment Formulating a Career Plan (Ashford)


Ashford HSM 101 Week 4 Assignment Formulating a Career Plan
Formulating a Career Plan [WLOs: 4] [CLOs: 5]. Due by Day 7. Knowing which career you want to pursue is an important first step to tackling your job search and career goals. However, simply identifying an ideal position will not propel you to achieve these goals. To successfully attain your goals, there are recommended action steps for you to take.
For this assignment, you will explore the requirements for your potential career path, assess your current skill set, and identify what action steps you can take to make your career goals more attainable. Prior to developing your career plan:
 Read the Career Planning Step-By-Step article to understand better the importance of developing a clear career plan.
 Review the Roadmap to Success tool to help you gather information which you may wish to include in your career plan.
In your paper,
 Identify your long-term goals (five years or longer).
 Identify the skills and qualifications related to this type of role.
 Assess the qualifications you already possess.
 Determine new skills, knowledge, certifications, and training needed for the position desired.
 Create action steps needed to take to be qualified for the position you would like to pursue.

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 5 Final Paper (Ashford)

HSM 101 HSM101 Week 5 Final Paper (Ashford)


Ashford HSM 101 Week 5 Final Research Paper
Final Research Paper [WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]. Due by Day 7. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the DHS Strategic Plan: FY2020-2024. Then, read Chapter 13 of your primary text. The Final Research Paper builds on itself throughout the course. Each week is broken down below.
Your paper must
• Identify the DHS goal and issue that you will address in the Final Research Paper.
 Summarize the various points of view that frame the homeland security issue, threat, or hazard that leads to a vulnerability.
 Describe the various roles and responsibilities of the various levels of government with respect to the issue under review.
 Explain your personal position on how the Department of Homeland Security should address vulnerability using mitigation, prevention, and preparedness techniques.